°ÅÀÖ¶ÌÊÓƵ hosts two Gaude reunion events on a Saturday in March and September each year for its Old Members. Four to five year groups are invited back at a time, with older cohorts being invited back to the earlier of the two Gaudes. The Gaude events are free in perpetuity, made possible by a generous benefaction from Warden Smith.

What does Gaude mean?
At the University of Oxford, the term Gaudy ('Gaude' at °ÅÀÖ¶ÌÊÓƵ) is a college feast/celebration bringing Old Members and their contemporaries back to their College.

Typically, a Gaude event at °ÅÀÖ¶ÌÊÓƵ takes the following format:

3.30-5.00pm: Afternoon Tea in Cloister
5.30pm:         Service in Chapel
6.30pm:         Pre-dinner drinks in Founder's Library (if wet) or on the grass in Front Quad (if dry)
7.00pm:         Dinner in Hall (Black Tie)

Places are allocated on a first served, first served basis. Accommodation is limited but Old Members will have the opportunity to book accommodation.